Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Lone Star State

(click on the pic for larger image)

After a brief (well, at least it was supposed to be brief... it turned into an hour long stop... if you've ever traveled halfway across the country with a 3 and 4 year old you probably understand) pitstop in Texarkana we crossed the border into Texas.

We've gone from Clinton country to the land of Bush! Texas is also the final destination of our little road trip, being home to quite a few members of the Daily Yak family. My wife has siblings in Allen (outside Dallas) and Houston, and my brother is stationed at Ft. Hood.

A few more hours and we will be able to relax, stretch out and enjoy the hospitality of our hosts. As I said earlier, I love road trips... but this is the longest one we've taken with the kids and I think 3 days in the van is just about their limit at this point.

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Side Trip

(click on pic for larger image)

We spent last night in Little Rock. Since I did not know when we would be back this way again, I thought I would check out the Clinton Presidential Center that opened last month. I did a quick run through while my wife and kids ate breakfast.

The exhibits take advantage of some high tech with extensive use of flat panel displays, interactive touch screen computers and other gadgets. There were the expected relics of a former President: memos, letters, the pens used to sign important bills into law, a plethora of gifts from various heads of state, and the like. The main exhibit hall is designed as a huge timeline running from Clinton's first presidential campaign to his last day in office. It features not only important events from his presidency, but also major world events. The perimeter of the main exhibit area is divided into smaller alcoves, each devoted to a particular topic.

Parts of the exhibit seemed a bit tedious and not terribly interesting, IMHO, but others were quite fascinating. I would have to say, if pressed, that my favorite part of the exhibit was actually the replica of the Oval Office and the interactive video tours of the White House (hosted by the former President himself) that ring its exterior. I found it intriguing to hear the former President discussing the history of the "Resolute" desk and other furnishings of the Oval Office, as well other interesting tidbits about the White House itself.

Anyway, there you have it. It was an interesting distraction (at least for a history and politics buff like me) on our road trip which continued southward....

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Monday, December 27, 2004

The Natural State (?!?!)

(click on the pic for larger image)

OK... I had a little more trouble capturing the Arkansas sign as it's in the middle of a bridge going over the mighty Mississippi River and there's no place to pull over... and I was trying to impress the kids with the significance of the river they were crossing. But they don't really care about the size and length of the river, or about Huck Finn, or the fact that it's a dividing line of sorts (what's with the W and K thing for radio/tv station call signs anyway?)... to them it was just "Oooh... daddy! Look at the water!"

And what's with that state nickname?

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The Volunteer State

(click on pic for larger image)

One of the many delightful quirks (at least in my mind) of a Daily Yak road trip, is that we simply must document said trip with pictures. And most importantly, with pictures of the welcome signs as we cross each state line!

Really, am I the only one who does this?

I have accumulated stacks of state welcome sign pictures (I've crisscrossed the US from coast to coast several times, and been on many shorter trips) over the years. I missed the Virginia sign about 20 minutes into our trip (we live so close the the Old Dominion that it hardly seems like another state at times). I'll have to get the shot on the way back, but I did get a good shot of Tennessee's sign several hours later.

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Road Trip!!!


We're on a road trip (which I love even more than snow) and the hotel we stopped at tonight has free broadband access. Sweet! Time to blog while the kiddies sleep....

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More Snow!

(click on pic for larger image)

More gloating from Thumper. The snow continues to accumulate. You'll notice the flower pots are now buried. Did I mention how much I like snow?

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Let It Snow, Let It Snow...

(click on pic for larger image)

Thumper called me a few days ago to ask if we had snow here in Maryland. Much to my disappointment, I could reply that I had only seen a few lonesome flakes so far this winter. She then proceeded to gloat (at least I think it was gloating) that the forecast was for upwards of 16 inches in her neck of the woods.

I was jealous. I like snow. I like snow a lot, and I like a lot of snow a lot more.

But, all was not lost. I could get my snow fix vicariously... through her webcam! We spent way too much time IMing and watching the excitement of the "Thumper-Snow Cam" (hey look... here comes the snow plow... a neighbor wading through the drifts to walk his dog... the snow plow again... here's Thumper going outside to wave to me in the snow....). My wife er... other family members found watching a snowstorm via webcam a bit tedious and said I was "so weird" (again). And a geek (again). But hey, I'm not the one who set up the snow cam.

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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Daily Yak family to yours! We hope you have a joyful and safe holiday.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Painting Room

Yes, the rumors are true... my wife and I finally decided to redecorate. Those of you who have been to our house, have undoubtedly noticed that all the walls have been a very boring off-white for the past 6+ years. Well, the kids did try to add some color to the dining room about about a year ago (that would be the colorful lines of magic marker that run the length of the room in the above picture - ever try to clean magic marker off of flat paint?), but really decorating has not been high on our priority list.

Recently, though the painting bug bit us. We started on the dining room Thanksgiving weekend, but it's been slow going. In fact, you know a project has gone on way too long when your children start referring to the dining room as the "painting room."

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Fun With Bubbles

Speaking of the little things that amuse me.... Part of the fun of the holiday season is seeing the joy on our children's faces, and they have some of the most fun not with the gifts, but with the packing materials! Boxes, paper and, of course, bubble wrap! Who doesn't like popping bubble wrap? I know it keeps my kids entertained for... well, minutes at least (hey, every little bit helps).

So, want to pop some bubbles now? (link via Geek Press)

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Man, I thought having a Sim family was cool, but this really rocks! Wil plays David Foster in Ghost Recon 2. Of course, I don't have to worry about being shot as a Sim.

As I've said before, it's the little things that amuse me.

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Topics of Conversation

Every Wednesday morning I host a playgroup for stay-at-home dads and their kids. Our basement is basically a huge playroom with loads of toys and room for the children to run around, so they always have a blast. The dads? Well, we get to sit around and chat with each other.

Talking with other dads may not seem like a big deal, but when you're stuck with the kids all day, everyday (not that I don't love being an at-home parent), you really miss being able to talk to other adults about life and all. And it's especially nice to be able to talk with people who are in the same situation as you.

Some highlights from today's conversation:

  • Our kids! Hey, it's hard not to talk with others for 2 hours and not mention the kids running all around you.
  • Baseball returns to Washington, DC. Well, maybe. The DC City Council passed an amended version of the necessary legislation that may prove untenable to Major League Baseball officials.
  • Childproofing your house. Make sure to cover all those exposed electrical outlets!
  • The amazing amount of liquid diapers can absorb. Why don't they market some type of sandbag-like product made of diaper material to help during floods (some parts of the DC area are prone to flooding)? Of course, after the flood recedes you'd have to deal with all these bloated, waterlogged diaper-sandbags (ever seen a diaper after a kid has worn it in a pool?).
  • Cooking with kids nipping at your heels all day. Ideas about making a weekly meal plan and menu to streamline shopping trips and save time. Where to find good recipes (All Recipes was recommended by one chef/dad). Know any other good recipe websites?
  • Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (the extended version) was released on DVD yesterday. Time for a movie night! wOOt!!!

Assuming you're a parent, what do you talk about when you get together with other adults?

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ginger Bread House

Our daughter's preschool has a long standing holiday tradition of inviting parents into class one December day to help the children build ginger bread houses. Ginger Bread Day was this past Friday, so with a friend (thanks DB!) watching our son, my daughter and I headed off to school with a couple bags of candy and a fresh batch of royal icing.

We stuck graham crackers together (actual ginger bread is a bit too unforgiving for 4-year olds) with our icing and ate decorated the house with candy. We followed her teacher's basic instructions for constructing the house, but I let our daughter use her burgeoning creative talents and take the lead when it came to the decorating.

I stayed for a while after she finished her house, playing with her and chatting with some of her classmates' parents. I think we both had a fun-filled afternoon, and we came home with a great project to share with mom (and little brother). It is days like that when I really appreciate being the at-home parent.

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I Would Like to Thank the Academy....

Alright, it is probably bad form to be practicing my acceptance speech. After all, the Daily Yak hasn't even been nominated... yet (hint, hint).

However, I would like to give a plug to the newly created Best of Blog (BoB) Awards. Sponsored by WiredHub.Net and Blog Mechanics, this project seeks to recognize "the best personal blogs you ought to be reading." Kind of the grassroots of the blogosphere; the smaller, personal blogs that typically get left out of the other weblog award contests. You know, nobody else is going to give an award for best Knitting/Craft Blog (no offense if you write a knitting blog, of course)!

There are 19 nomination categories, with some fantastic sites already getting the nod. The Best Daddy Blog category may be of particular interest to Daily Yak readers (yes, another shameless hint... maybe I should go for the Biggest Blog Whore Award!). FYI - nominations close December 24, so check out the 2004 BoB Awards and nominate your favorite blogs!

And a special thanks to Genuine and the Zero Boss for doing all the hard, behind the scenes work to set up something like this for the rest of us!

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Monday, December 13, 2004

On This Day...

... {blank} years ago, my lovely wife was born. Sometimes, when I think about it, it seems amazing that, given all the twists and turns, events and choices spread out over all those years,* we happened to find one another and fall in love. Was it fate, or chance? Or maybe God's will (those mysterious ways and all)?

All I do know, really, is that it feels deep in my heart like it is meant to be. She truly is my better half, my soulmate. She seems so much a part of me that I can no longer imagine my life without her. And today I celebrate that joyous moment that brought her into this world:
Just a look in your eyes again
Just to lay in your arms
Just to be the first one always there for you
Just to live in your laughter
Just to sing in your heart
Just to be everyone of your dreams come true

Just to sit by your window
Just to touch in the night
Just to offer a prayer each day for you
Just to long for your kisses
Just to dream of your sighs
Just to know that I’d give my life for you

For you for the rest of my life
For you all the best of my life
For you alone, only for you

Just to wake up each morning
Just to you by my side
Just to know that you’re never really far away
Just a reason for living
Just to say I adore
Just to know that you’re here in my heart to stay

For you for the rest of my life
For you all the best of my life
For you alone, only for you

Just the words of a love song
Just the beat of my heart
Just the pledge of my life, my love, for you
I wish I could claim those words as my own but I cannot. Though I truly share the sentiment, they are actually the lyrics to the song I chose for the first dance at our wedding, "For You" by John Denver.

To my partner and wife, happy birthday! I am forever yours.

*Well, not that it's been that many years....

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Carnival of the Rugrats V

This week's installment of Carnival of the Rugrats has been posted by Betsy over at My Whim Is Law. It's a thoroughly enjoyable read once again, including an entry by Daily Yak link-friend Justa Dad. Check it out!

CotR will be hosted by Sharp Corners next week. Feel free to send in links for your own kid-related posts (or nominate someone else's), by the end of the week if you would like to be included.

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I just called my wife to see when she planned to be home from work. You know, so I could make sure dinner was on the table by the time she walked through the door. Yeah, 'cause I am that kind of guy! Well, at least I try to be.

And, of course, my son just had to say hi, so I put him on the phone. I think it's cute how he always wants to talk to Mommy on the phone.* Then I hear him say, "I'm still in my pajamas!"

Doh! I'm busted! I can see my wife, in my mind's eye. I am sure she's got that one eyebrow arched with a look on her face that is part questioning and part gotcha!

Now, it's not that he's been in his pajamas all day! Really! We hosted our weekly playgroup this morning, and it's not like I'm going to let him hang out with 14 dads and kids while he's still in his jammies!

I get back on the line and explain what actually happened. He and his sister were playing kitchen and wanted to make some vegetable soup. One toy pan, a half dozen plastic toy vegetables, a couple cups of water and voila! You wind up with two wet kids! It'll be bedtime in a couple hours, his pajamas were right here and I didn't feel like digging through the laundry for some other clothes, so... our 3-year old is back in pj's at 5:00pm. Is that so bad?

*Actually, he loves to talk on the phone with just about anybody. Even telemarketers (those that haven't been stopped by the do not call list). Really, it's a great way to deal with all those unwanted calls, I just pause and hand the phone to my boy. Want to sell me something? You gotta get through the kid first!

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Reading Between the Lines

It's happened. I figured he would probably be a teenager before we would have to deal with this, but what can I say... our son is advanced for his age. He gave me the finger at dinner the other night! Yes, yes, he has used his first obscene gesture.

I burst out laughing of course. My laughter startled him since, being only 3, he did not realize the significance of extending one's middle finger. He just wanted to show me that he had spaghetti sauce on his finger tip.

Ahh, the innocence of youth!

The incident reminded me of the first, and only, time I flipped off one of my parents. I was probably about 6 or so. A friend, Steve, and I were climbing a tree in my front yard. My mom was busy inside the house, but would glance out the window occasionally to check on us. So, Steve and I had climbed about as far as we could and had perched ourselves out on a large branch just about eye level with the kitchen window. My mom glanced out and waved to us. I waved back. Then Steve, who was a bit more worldly, told me I should stick up my middle finger and show it to my mom. I asked him why and he gave me an answer about it being a cool thing older kids did or something like that. So, not wanting to be uncool, I flipped off my mom.

She looked a bit shocked standing there in the window, but in a flash she was gone. A few seconds later she burst out the front door and stormed over to our tree. She demanded that we climb down at once. Steve was sent home and I was exiled to my room for some time thereafter. I determined that giving your mom the finger was not a good thing to do, though I really did not understand why.

Ahh, the memories of my own youthful innocence!

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Psst! Hey, Bud... Want Some Pizza?

We actually got out of the house early yesterday morning (relatively speaking anyway). The kids and I went up to church for a committee meeting I thought was scheduled for 9:30am. It turned out that the meeting had been postponed until next Monday. So, since we were already out and had some time on our hands, I decided to head over to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.

Shopping with the kids is always an adventure, at least from their perspective. We went into Sears so they could climb on the riding mowers (they like to pretend to drive the tractors.... really, who doesn't?) while I ogled the snowblowers (despite our currently mild weather, I know Old Man Winter and his blanket of snow are just around the corner). Then I had to tear them away from the electronics department as they were mezmorized by a television the size of our van (or was it the kids who had to tear me away... this would just be so cool on a really, really big screen!).

We checked out the toy store and the many, many musical/talking/noisy/loud toys that I hope will not make their way under our tree this year (note to relatives: we appreciate quiet toys, or at least ones that have volume control or on/off switches).

We hit a few other stores before finally heading off to the food court for a bit of lunch. As we were finishing our highly nutritious meal (of burgers and chicken nuggets), we were interrupted by some guy carrying a large pizza box. He proceeded to open the box, revealing a single, greasy, lukewarm (at best) piece of pepperoni pizza. Then, to my utter amazement, he offered it to my kids!

Would you let your little ones eat something offered to them by a complete stranger? I didn't know this guy from Adam, and I wasn't going to eat his leftovers myself, let alone feed them to my children. And, if you wanted to offer something to some kids, wouldn't you ask their mom or dad first? I was sitting right there! Hello? Don't go handing my kids something to eat, mister, without checking with me first! Anyway, he was probably just trying to be nice and didn't want to waste the food, but still....

We finished up and headed back through the mall on the way to our van. The kids caught a glimpse of Santa (taking pictures with some other kids), and we carefully avoided the 10 foot tall talking teddy bear that my daughter has decided is just too scary. We didn't get any real shopping done, but the kids didn't seem to mind. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, they asked if we could come back tomorrow. Really, even without strange pizza-pushing men, I don't know if I want them to like the mall so much. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the library instead - books good, shopping with Daddy's credit card bad. I wonder how long I can get away with that?

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A Bargain

The eBay auction of the so-called "ghost cane" ended yesterday. Apparently an Antigua-based online casino won the auction with a high bid of $65,000. At first I thought they must really be fools, but then it dawned on me that it really was a brilliant marketing ploy!

Sure, the company paid $65,000 for a metal cane, but look what they got! The news, including their name and URL, went out on the AP wire and was picked up by ABC News, MSNBC, CNN and scores of other news outlets. The story has been on television and all over the internet. How much would all of that publicity cost? They got quite a bargain.

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Monday, December 06, 2004

Be There or Be Square

Check your calendars! Genuine has announced, by popular demand no doubt, that he is hosting another blog party. The Genuine Bash II will be this coming Saturday, December 11 at 6:00pm MST (that's 8:00pm here on the east coast).

I was there for the last party (my lovely wife's comments not withstanding), and certainly enjoyed myself, so I plan to drop by on Saturday for a bit. It should be fun, and this time I will have my IM up and running. Ooh, the excitement of it all... chatting with a bunch of bloggers!

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Blogs of Distinction

Cynical Mom
Homo Domesticus
Tampa Bay Dot Moms

What distinguishes this list of blogs from the millions of others out there? Well, some mighty fine and entertaining writing of course. And, well, they are part of that select group of folks who link to the Daily Yak!

Thanks for spreading the love!

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Carnival of the Rugrats III and IV

I neglected to mention that the third installment of Carnival of the Rugrats was posted last week on KateSpot and the fourth is now up on Catawampus. The blogging the baby/kid universe seems to be ever expanding (which I suppose is what universes are want to do), but I have to say that I'm impressed. There are some great stories and excellent writers out there banging away on their keyboards. Check them out if you have the chance! Tell them the Daily Yak sent you.

I've been slacking in my kid-related posts of late so I don't have submissions on either {sigh} but there should be an entry from yours truly next week.

Speaking of which, CotR will be hosted by My Whim is Law next week. Submit links to your entries (or nominate someone else's) via email by the end of the week.

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Saturday, December 04, 2004

Spongenapping Reward

A brief update on Wednesday's post about the epidemic of SpongeBob SquarePants thefts....

Burger King is now offering a reward for information leading to the safe return of any of the "spongenapped" victims. What kind of reward are they offering? A year's supply of Whoppers, of course. Mmmmm!

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Who You Gonna Call?

Where's the Ectomobile when you need it?

A woman in Indiana is selling her late father's cane... and his ghost! Apparently her young son is quite frightened, believing that his grandfather's spirit is now haunting their home. So, in an effort to calm the boy, the women decided to place the ghost up for sale on eBay (naturally). She included the cane just to have something to ship to the winning bidder.

According to comments on the auction site, she thought she might get a bidder or two, but did not expect to get much money. Any money she did receive, she was going to use to buy her son a present. Well, word got out and the current bid (as of 10:45pm EST) is... $14,535.65!

Man, I wonder if we have ghosts hiding out in our house? I haven't been up in the attic for a while....

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Friday, December 03, 2004


I just wanted to give a big shout out to Woodge, Tina and Luke on the latest addition to their family! Congratulations to the new mommy, daddy and big brother. And a big "welcome to the world" to Kajsa! We here at the Daily Yak wish you all the very best today and always!

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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Where in the World is SpongeBob?

You know, the big yellow guy with the goofy grin? The sponge with pants? Yeah, that's him... SpongeBob SquarePants. He's been out promoting his new movie by making appearances at Burger Kings nationwide. OK, it's not the real SpongeBob... but the marketing folks at Nickelodeon have been distributing these huge 10-foot tall balloon likenesses of the cartoon sponge to the fast food restaurants.

Personally, I don't know why SpongeBob has such great appeal. Of course, since we don't have cable television (which could be why our kids are so easily entertained by squirrels), I've never watched the show. Maybe I'm just missing something. But apparently other people are quite taken with him. Literally. People are taking him!

According to today's Washington Post (free reg required), inflatable SpongeBob thefts have been reported in at least 10 states over the past few weeks. Go figure. At least some of the thieves do have a sense of humor. Police found a ransom note in a Minnesota case that stated: "We have SpongeBob.... Give us ten Crabby Patties, fries and milkshakes."

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Live, from the front porch....

The kids have been quite excited this week as we've had a squirrel slowly eating his (her?) way through one of the pumpkins on our porch. It took the furry little rodent a couple days, but he finally hit pay dirt, having made a hole large enough to get the seeds out.

I managed to clean the dishes and the rest of the kitchen this morning while the kids were watching the pumpkin-seed-chomping squirrel through the living room window. Really, it's been better than television for keeping the kids occupied.

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